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Is It really "No Hoof - No Horse"?

Many of us heard the old good saying “No hoof - no horse”. It is true that neglected or poorly managed hoofs could lead the horse to a permanent lameness and make it non suitable for some type of riding or riding at all. The common believe that without healthy hoofs/legs the horse won’t be very useful. Well, for those who love horses, not just love to ride horses, the problematic feet was never a “deal breaker” or the end of the “this horse carrier”, but the opposite. For some it opened a new horizons and new opportunities and way on how to enjoy your time with your horse.

Of course, I cannot emphasize enough that the health of the hoofs/legs cannot be ignored and should always be addressed seriously in case of any potential problems arise. Sadly, there are so many horses are so called “permanently” lame due to some unfortunate circumstances or injuries. A lot of them are find themselves “unwanted”, “done” or “left out” after such a great and promising career. Though, the unfortunate past should not bring “the end” to a happy horse life. If you happened to be in similar situation with your horse, here are just some thoughts that you may consider.

The Magic of Ground Work

It is a well-known fact that all grand prix horses with medals started their carrier with a ground work. Good trainer can tell you that almost anything can and should be taught on the ground first, before transitioned under the saddle. Without having to carry a rider’s and saddle weight, most gorses will still be suitable for the ground work and that opens up to indefinite opportunities in training. It may give you an opportunity to really get to know your horse, like you never known her before. Mastering the ground work could lead to some outstanding results and can exceed your expectation. Whatever new way you may choose, dressage technics or natural horsemanship, the time you will spend with your horse will bring you all new perspective on your relationships.

The Therapeutic Horse

If you like helping others, and your horse is level headed enough to be around other people or kids, it may be beginning it’s new carrier as a therapeutic horse. Reach out to the organizations who use the horses for the therapeutic purposes or just offer your friends/ neighbors to come out and spend some time at the barn, groom the horse an learn something new about the horsemanship life. I am sure, your friends AND your horse will enjoy it.

Kids Pony

In the area where I live we have a lot of festivals for the kids in the area for kids, and if you and your horse are up for it, you may volunteer at the festival and offer a small pony rides for kids or a petting zoo. If your horse is used to go to the horse shows and be out in different places, it will definitely feel like he is back to his good old days and would love the trip. You’ll have an opportunity to meet new people, share some great stories about the great past victories and teach something new to the new generation.

Paint My pony.

If horse loves bath, grooming and affection, he may be finding himself as an art teacher. Few cans of a non-toxic horse paint and few soft brushes could turn any horse in a masterpiece for the humans and a spa massage for your horse. Have friends and family over once in a while, and create your own unique masterpiece. Please be sure to use the horse safe materials and your horse is treated with respect.


Horses are heard animals and they are much happier to leave in groups. You can find is someone has a lonely horse at their barn and offer your horse as a partner. Also, the older horse could be a good mentor for a younger, less experienced horse and could be a great assistant in teaching the younger one the new technics. Sometimes having a more experienced horse in the same ring together with an young one could benefit a lot for the younger and makes training so much easier.

It really does not matter what you decide to do. There is only one thing in horse that is more important than its hoofs – it is it’s heart.

Don’t be just a rider, be a partner and a friend for life.Don’t give up on your partner, just because of the unfortunate situation, and try to make the best of it for both you and your horse. They are smart animals, they know, they feel , they understand, and certainly, do appreciate when they are still loved and cared for.

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